The technology behind bitcoin could replace lawyers, too | Tim Cook’s China statement soothes Apple investor freak-out | How India plans to turn ‘jugaad’ into large scale innovation | Robots Learn to Make Pancakes from WikiHow Articles and more...
> In all the negative attention that bitcoin has received, the main benefit of the technology behind cryptocurrencies has been overlooked. Smart contract management could wipe out entire industries like the credit card companies and payment processor.
> A lot of disruption today comes from simple improvements to old processes by adopting new technology and eliminating inefficiencies.
> An interesting info-graphic that maps innovation to help you transform your organization - The Innovation Genome by Jeff DeGraff.
> The economic slowdown in China has led to a fall in the market, however, this could be the correction that has been building up for sometime now!
> Robots have taken a simple step in their evolution that could have a great impact as they begin to interact with humans more and more. Robots can now take directions instead of requiring programming.
> Innovation does not necessarily apply to well-funded labs or companies backed by Venture capitalists. In India necessity is forcing innovations at the grassroots level that could soon go main stream!
> The future is not all rosy with artificial intelligence and computers in control. Simple glitches can create unintended and dangerous consequences.
> Tim Cook's reassurance has Apple's stock bouncing back despite fear of China's stock market crash.
> Intel known to be one of the most innovative companies is working on some interesting stuff, including Intel TV (that is not like an Apple TV). Intel is also working on a Collaboration Cancer Cloud that will connect the largest storehouses of knowledge on cancer and other interesting stuff in 3D and robotics.